Summarized by Kent Larsen
LDS Church had 1,650 Real Estate Transactions in New Jersey
Boston Globe (AP) 7Jan00 B1
By Associated Press
NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY -- A conversion glitch in updating 2.5 million Middlesex County property records highlighted religious real estate purchases
in the county from 1946 to 1972. In the process, 1,650 transactions involving the New Jersey Stake (until 1967 only Stake in New Jersey) came to
In the conversion, many of the records were truncated to the last two words in the organization's name, leaving the Stake transactions in the name of
"Day Saints." A similar, and more amusing result happened with the New Brunswick Greek Catholic Church of the Birth of Saint Virgin Mary, which ended
up as "Virgin Mary." Both 'individuals,' "Day Saints" and "Virgin Mary" suddenly seemed to be major players in Central New Jersey real estate.