Summarized by 'Marc A. Schindler'
'Aloha' Meets 'Tan'Si' LDS First Nations Family Feated in Farewell Ceremony
CBC Radio One Edmonton AB Canada 24Feb00 D2
LDS indigenous Hawaiians Peter and Lynn Hano Hano and their six
children were bid farewell in a touching celebration at the
University of Alberta's School of Native Studies yesterday, 23/02/00.
Br. Hano Hano first came to Edmonton from Hawai'i two and a half
years ago to do post-graduate studies at the School of Native
Studies, attracted by its academic reputation, and the strong First
Nations community in the Edmonton area. He found some of the
contrasts startling. From humid, tropical Hawai'i to North America's
northernmost -- and probably the coldest -- major city took some
getting used to. As a stake high councillor in the Edmonton Alberta
Riverbend Stake, Br. Hano Hano's high council visits were actually
welcomed in the wards and branches. He had a warm and lively way of
delivering his message, and would start any talk off with a hearty
"Aloha!" And he wouldn't continue until the reserved Canadian
congregations responded with a vigour that he felt was up to his high
Br. Hano Hano related with choked emotions how a Cree elder gave him
a special blessing before he left, and Sis. Hano Hano said of the
local Cree, that they don't have much, but what they have they freely
give. One Cree speaker at the celebration said that there is no word
for "farewell" in Cree -- Tan'Si -- means "welcome", and is an
invitation to return -- just like the Hawai'ian word "aloha".
Speakers related with humour how the Hano Hanos tried to teach the
Cree the hula while the Cree tried to teach the Hano Hanos native
round dances. Cree is a living language in northern Alberta (although
just barely hanging on in the face of English) and Br. Hano Hano
expressed his confidence that his time there had strengthened First
Nations ties in the Americas ("First Nations" is the term Canadians
use for native peoples).
Marc Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta -- the Gateway to the Boreal Parkland