Summarized by Kent Larsen
Madsen Represents Student Players On NCAA 'Toothless Tiger'
CBS Sportsline 1Apr00 S2
By Mark Alesia: Senior Writer
INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA -- LDS basketball star Mark Madsen has a new
role. Madsen is a member of the NCAA's new Student Basketball
Council, which held its first news conference on Saturday, April 1st.
The council is meant to give NCAA executives input from a student
perspective. However, CBS Sportsline's Alesia points out that the
organization will not be independent from the NCAA or the coaches.
In fact, Alesia calls the organization a "toothless tiger sponsored
by NCAA adults." He says that they will clearly not let the students
get out of hand. But Alesia argues that this is exactly what the
students need. Given the huge amounts of money involved in college
basketball (CBS paid $6 billion to televise 'March Madness'), Alesia
thinks the students should agitate for stipends from the NCAA.