Summarized by Kent Larsen
Hatch Victim of Evangelical Prejudice
(The Reliable Source)
Washington Post pgC03 14Apr00 A2
By Lloyd Grove with Beth Berselli
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The anti-Mormon bias of the Christian music
establishment even extends to the famous and powerful, such as Senator
Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), who has received some notariety for the songs he
has written. In spite of his name recognition and conservative
politics, the Christian music industry isn't interested.
According to the Washington Post's Grove, Hatch asked friend and
colleague Senator Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) to get his nephew, Bobby
Shriver, to find a distributor for his music into the Christian music
market. Shriver reported back, according to Hatch's complaint to the
National Journal, that "distribution outlets won't take anything done
by Mormons, 'cause they don't think they're Christians."