Summarized by Shoji Hayami
Sister Okazaki Speaks At 'Okazaki' Stake, Japan
Shoji Haymi 16Apr00 D1
OKAZAKI, JAPAN -- Sister Chieko Okazaki, former counselor in the
General Relief Society presidency, spoke at a district 30-year
anniversary commemoration service at Okazaki Stake, Aichi Prefecture,
Japan, on April 12th. Sister Okazaki told members in Okazaki Stake
that we should "trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and learn not
unto thine own understanding."
Quoting from Proverbs 3:5-7, she appealed that we depend on Him, keep
up with Him a good relationship, keep in good faith, and recognize He
always guide us. To keep faith is not only to have everything. When
you find nothing to eat on the shelves in your kitchen, you would
have nothing while you just sitting there. Your TV in your living
room would receive nothing while you just sitting there. HE always
guide us the direction whenever we look to Him for.
Sister Okazaki will speak at the Fireside held at Tokyo Stake,
Kichijo-ji, Tokyo, this Sunday (Apr 16th) evening, from 18:00.