Summarized by Paul Pickett
Nevada Republicans Count On Mormon Support
Las Vegas NV Sun 2May00 N1
By Cy Ryan : Sun Capital Bureau
CARSON CITY, NEVADA -- Republicans are banking on the Mormons and
businessmen to propel them into the driver's seat of the Nevada Assembly
in the 2001 Legislature.
Assembly Minority Leader Lynn Hettrick, R-Minden, said two things fall in
the favor of the GOP this election in state races. There's the initiative
petition to ban marriages of the same sex and the petition to impose a 4
percent net profits tax on business.
Hettrick said the gay marriage petition will draw Mormon voters to the
polls. And although the profits tax won't be on the ballot, business
people will be energized to support candidates who oppose the plan.
"These will bring the conservatives out of the woodwork to the
polls,"Hettrick said.