Summarized by Joye Feustel
Nauvoo Restoration names new director
Burlington IA The Hawk Eye 12May00 D1
NAUVOO, ILLINOIS -- The LDS Church's Nauvoo Restoration Inc. has a
new head. A retired businessman and college teacher has been called
on a two-year mission as the new head of the Nauvoo Restoration, Inc
business. He is Jerry L. Goodman and presently lives in Logan, Utah.
He was appointed 18 April by the area presidency of the North
America Central Area as leader of the preservation arm of the LDS
Goodman has a history of being in charge. He was a teacher at Utah State
after having owned a construction company. He also served in executive
offices of Trans-American Airlines.
Goodmans wife, Viola, is a former elementary school teacher and has been
appointed director of the Land and Records Office. She will supervise
assigned personnel (missionaries) who will serve visitors and conduct
family research.