Summarized by Gerry Spencer
Radebaugh: Every member responsible for church growth
(BYU) Daily Universe 20Jan99
By Allison Brinkerhoff: NewsNet Staff Writer
In his recent Devotional address in the BYU Marriott Center, Lee H. Radebaugh
discussed the Mormon dilemma of meshing gospel principles with cultural
tradition. He said the key to this problem was for all members of the church
to determine which elements of their background, culture and tradition could
be integrated with gospel principles and help them return to the presence of
God and which traditional elements were not gospel-essential.
Some highlights of Radebaugh's Devotional speech were the slower growth of
U.S. church membership versus the increasing rise of international
membership, the necessity of preparing more worthy U.S. and non-American
missionaries and how foreign students attending BYU can be good examples
when they return to their native countries. Also encouraged to serve as
missionaries or as ordinance workers in a foreign temple, were members of
the faculty.
Radebaugh challenged all members of the church to understand that this is
the Lord's work and to realize that the responsibility to further the
expansion of the church rests on each of us.