Summarized by Kent Larsen
5 cities can't agree on name for road
Deseret News 18Jan99
By Kirsten Sorenson: Deseret News staff writer
The road in front of the Mount Timpanogos Temple runs through five different
Utah county cities, and carries at least nine different names, confusing
residents and visitors alike. Now a proposal to re-name the road has sparked
controversy and claims that a name favors the LDS Church.
The Mountainland Association of Governments has circulated three names among
the local governments, "Lone Peak Parkway," "Mount Timpanogos Parkway" and
"Timpanogos Parkway."
However, some officials of Pleasant Grove don't like the "Timpanogos" names,
saying that the road would be named after the Mount Timpanogos Temple. But
an American Fork official calls this silly. "The mountain was there long
before the temple," said Clark Taylor. "Mount Timpanogos wasn't named after
the temple."
American Fork officials, on the other hand, balk at the "Lone Peak" name,
objecting to the name because it is the name of a high school in nearby
Alpine. Ironically, Alpine officials note, the school is named after a peak
in the mountains east of all five cities.