Summarized by Kent Larsen
LDS donates $25,000 toward chapel
Provo UT Daily Herald 23Oct99 D1
By Candace Perry: The Daily Herald
PROVO, UTAH -- The LDS Church has made a $25,000 donation to the Utah
Valley Regional Medical Center for the construction of a
non-denominational chapel in the hospital. Elder Dennis Neuenschwander,
area president of the Utah South Region and Elder Carl Bacon, Area
Authority Seventy from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
presented the check to UVRMC on Thursday, October 21st.
Construction on the 600-square-foot chapel, three private consultation
rooms and a pastoral care office will begin November 6th. Construction
is expected to be completed in February. The $100,000 for the
construction came entirely from private donors through the Intermountain
Health Care's Celebration of Health Foundation. In addition to the LDS
Church, the Ester Foundation, Monroe and Shirley Paxman and several
other religious denominations contributed to the cause.
"I know it will be a great benefit to those who come to the hospital and
need a quiet place to think about things," said Elder Neuenschwander.
Chaplain Alden Brown, full-time chaplain at the hospital, says that the
chapel will be a tremendous help, "It's an uplifting, soft spiritual
atmosphere for anyone that wants to come," Brown said.