Summarized by Kent Larsen
Family trees grow faster online
Christian Science Monitor 10Nov99 N6
By Jean-Marc Mojon: Special to The Christian Science Monitor
The Christian Science Monitor explores the growing genealogy
phenomenon on the Internet, giving examples of how these sites have
brought together families and connected people. With genealogy one of
the fastest growing uses of the Internet, major sites, like the LDS
Church's familysearch, are seeing explosive growth.
After the FamilySearch site experienced excessive traffic when it
first started, traffic has settled down to a still-large 8 to 10
million hits a day. The site now has over 200,000 registered users.
The aritcle says that there are more than 2,000 genealogy sites on
the Internet.
The article explores how the genealogical information on the web can
be used to find lost relatives and ancestors, and lists the most
prominent sites, , , , and