Letter from: susan carter
Re: BYU Requires Letter of Explanation from Julie
Dear Editor:
I wanted to say to Julie how proud I am of her.
So I said, 'OK, Julie, this time you're just
going to be true to you. You're going to do what you feel is right,
and if these convictions are ingrained, your actions will be in line
with that.'"
That is about the most profound, mature statement I have heard in
a long time. Unfortunately, it is becoming somewhat of a rarety in
the LDS faith.
Too often people keep quiet about what they really
think for fear of church sanction. It took a lot of courage for Julie
to do what she felt like she should.
I only hope my children and
grandchildren follow in her footsteps and follow their own heart felt convinctions!
Susan Carter,
Mother of three and grandmother of four