Summarized by Allan Hale
LDS Author Mentioned in Cyber Publishing Roundup
NEW LONDON, CONNECTICUT -- This article mentions local first time LDS
author, Tage N. Wright Jr's book "The Armageddon." The story starts
with Dr Jacob Campbell leaving Salt Lake City with a donation from
Brigham Young and other LDS contributors in an effort to find the
lost cities of the Book of Mormon.
Campbell is led by a corrupt guide who is on his own purposes and the
trail of danger, intrigue, and horror begins. The novel is compared
to Stephen King's Novel "The Stand." It is a creditable effort for a
first time author and portends of future efforts on the author's
part. I consider it a "good read."
Allan B. Hale Sr
Exeter, RI
Cyberpublishing Fills Crucial Niche
New London CT The Day 18Aug00 A2
By Rick Koster