Summarized by Kent Larsen
Missionaries Take Rejection with Humor
EVANSVILLE, INDIANA -- A columnist with the Evansville Courier and Press had
a chance encounter with a pair of LDS missionaries during the first day of a
100-mile bicycle trip. Columnist Garret Mathews encountered in them friendly
assistance in the form of Gatorade and cheerful responses to his questions
about rejection.
Mathews says, "For years I've watched these folks knock on doors, have them
angrily slammed in their faces and merrily go on to the next welcome mat,"
so he decided to ask them how they kept going in the face of so much
rejection. "By understanding that it's not me personally that they're
turning away from," says one of the Elders.
The other Elder is a bit more of a jokster. He replies, "By watching the
creases on their forehead come together like they're going to explode. I
actually look forward to that."
Aching bike legs rejuvenated by chance endorsement
Evansville IN Courier & Press 18Oct00 D1
By Garret Mathews: Courier & Press Columnist