By Kent Larsen
Elder Hugh Pinnock Dead At 66
SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH -- Salt Lake City's KTVX TV4 reported this
evening that Elder Hugh W. Pinnock of the First Quorum of the Seventy
died today after a short illness. Elder Pinnock has served as an LDS
General Authority for the past 23 years, including as one of the
quorum's seven presidents and as general president of the Church's
Sunday School. He was 66.
Elder Pinnock was a native of Salt Lake City, Utah, working in the
insurance business after graduating from the University of Utah. He
eventually became the area general agent for his company. He served
as a regional representative and as president of the Pennsylvania
Harrisburg Mission before being called as a General Authority in
October, 1977.
Twice Elder Pinnock served as general president of the Sunday School,
from 1979 to 1986 and again from 1989 to 1992 between those callings,
he served as one of the Seven Presidents of the Seventy. Most
recently, he served as second counselor in the North America
Southwest Area Presidency.
LDS Church Leader Dies
KTVX TV4 Salt Lake City 15Dec00 N2
[Thanks to James W. Anderson for pointing out this story. - Ed.]