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Posted 24 Jul 2001   For week ended June 22, 2001
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Rescue From Abuse: LDS Stake Intervenes, Saves Woman, Family from Abuse
After 17 years of physical and sexual abuse, last month Christine McMullen finally reached-out, and chose her LDS stake to ask for help. After detailing the abuse to her stake president, she called May 8th to report that her husband wasn't home, putting in motion a dramatic rescue, "He was out of the house and she called and said, `We need to do this today,' " a source close to the family told the Boston Herald. Within an hour, church members and relatives descended on her house, fearing the husband's sudden return, and whisked McMullen and her children away.

Newly Named Area President Visits Reunion
Elder Robert C. Oaks of the Africa Southeast Area Presidency visited the tiny Indian Ocean island of Reunion last week, attracting the attention of Le Quotidien de la Reunion. The newspaper was surprised to discover that Oaks is a former four-star general in the US Air Force, and used his visit to look at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its members on Reunion.

Church's Architects Disclose Plans for Redlands Temple
The architects of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' proposed Redlands Temple released plans for the building Saturday, showing a 17,000-square-foot building covered in a light-colored granite exterior and featuring a 130-foot steeple. The proposed temple is planned for a lot next to the Church's Redlands Stake Center, located at 5th and Wabash avenues.

Elder Hales addresses BYU-Hawaii's Largest Graduating Class
Elder Robert D. Hales, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, addressed BYU-Hawaii's largest graduating class in the Cannon Activities Center on June 16. Nearly 400 students representing more than 32 countries and 29 states comprised this semester's graduating class.

A year later: progress report on the BYU-Idaho transition
Since June 21, 2000, it seems as though the once unthinkable has become deeply ingrained into every mind on the Ricks College campus. The school truly is becoming BYU-Idaho and will begin to offer upper level courses this fall. This week is the one-year anniversary of the announcement that Ricks College will become a bachelor's degree-granting university.

Ricks announces new look as it becomes BYU-Idaho
A new visual identity system has been developed for Brigham Young University-Idaho that will replace existing logos and word marks used at Ricks College.

Economics Professor to Speak at BYU Devotional June 26
James B. McDonald, a professor of economics, will speak at a Brigham Young University Devotional on Tuesday (June 26) at 11 a.m. in the de Jong Concert Hall.

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