BYU Enrollment Doesn't Require Church Attendance
PROVO, UTAH -- Despite common perception, BYU does not require that
students attend Church each Sunday in order to get its "continuing
ecclesiastical endorsement," which is required to enroll each year.
An article in the campus newspaper, the Daily Universe, on February
7th quoted BYU 15th Stake President Ben Shippen as saying that
students in his stake could only miss three Sundays each semester and
still get the endorsement. But after the article led to questions
from students and the media, BYU President Merrill Bateman insisted
that the Daily Universe run a new story correcting the article, and
Shippen insisted that his policy was only a suggestion, "The
information (in the February 7th Daily Universe article) is not
correct at all," said Shippen.
Y enrollment dependent on church attendance
BYU NewsNet 7Feb02 US UT Prov D3
By Curtis Gasser: NewsNet Staff Writer
BYU clarifies attendance policy
Deseret News 16Feb02 US UT Prov D3
By Sharon Haddock: Deseret News staff writer
No percentage at church required for endorsement