Summarized by Gregor McHardy
West Las Vegas group says Mormons favored (West Las Vegas group charges discrimination in school district)
Las Vegas NV Sun 5Oct99 D1
By Terry Webster: Las Vegas Sun
Remember Independence, Missouri; when locals got edgy about a the Mormon voters? Well, that same mentality has hopped west a
few states to Las Vegas, Nevada. A group called West Side Action Alliance
Korp -- Uplifting People (WAAK-UP) is causing a stink in the Las Vegas
school district because, among other gripes, there are too many Mormon's
holding district positions.
Marzette Lewis, a self-confessed over-activist has a whole list of
complaints about majority rule. Most of them have to do with the treatment
of students from her area of town (the West Side). One complaint focuses
on "large numbers" of people of the same religious denomination (namely:
the Mormon Church) serve as administrators or on key committees. School
officials counter that employees are not questioned about their religion
and as a result no data is kept in that area. "I don't know where she
would get that information from." said a representative from the district.