Summarized by Kent Larsen
Safety urged at temple display
(Phoenix) AZ Republic 8Dec99 D1
By Chuck Hawley: The Arizona Republic
MESA, ARIZONA -- Those visiting the Mesa Arizona Temple to see the
500,000 Christmas Lights decorating the building and grounds should use
common sense, and not be so dazzled by the display that they don't take
normal precautions. Last year Susan Conser-Hughes was injured when she
crossed the street while looking at the lights.
"I should have been dead," said Conser-Hughes, 49. She was struck by a
car when she tried to cross Main Street midblock to visit the temple.
"My whole right side was broken, every bone." Because she and her
companions were jaywalking, the driver of the car was not cited."Yes, we
erred, but I want to make it very, very clear that my concern is with
traffic control and with safety," she said.
Mesa police say that while pedestrian traffic in the area is heavier
than normal, it isn't considered a serious problem. "We monitor that
area, but we don't apply any extra patrol unless we see a problem," says
Mesa police traffic supervisor Lt. Lou Digirolamo. "As it gets closer to
Christmas, we monitor it more closely but we've never put an officer
Digirolamo says that the problems generally don't happen at the
crosswalks, and suggests that pedestrians avoid taking chances when
crossing to see the Temple, "The bottom line is, cross lawfully. Cross
with the signal," he said.