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Posted 24 Feb 2001   For week ended November 17, 2000
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  LDS Church One Of Religions Attacked By Russian Education Ministry
A report last week by the Kenton News Service says that Russia's Education Ministry launched an attack in August and September on 700 "foreign" religious groups, apparently including the LDS Church, urging directors of institutions of higher education to "prevent [the] infiltration [of their schools] by such religious groups." A letter from the ministry sent to these directors included an attachment naming the LDS Church, the Jehovah's Witnesses and many others as involved in "military espionage and encouragement of separatist activity."

  LDS Democrats Gain Power In Closely Split Congress
The nearly evenly split US Congress has increased the influence of Democratic LDS Church members serving in both houses, especially in the US Senate, where Nevada Senator Harry Reid will continue to serve as the second most powerful Democrat in the body.

  Moving Beyond Politics And Music, Hatch To Appear In Movie
Nearly everyone knows of Utah Senator Orrin G. Hatch's political stature and many know of his songwriting. Now, Hatch, who is an LDS Church member, may become known for appearing in a film. Along with many other Washington politicians, Hatch got to play himself by simply attending a party and talking politics with other politicians, and with actor Michael Douglas.

  Retiring LDS Congressman Honored By American Cancer Society
Retiring congressman Matt Salmon, a Republican representing Arizona and an LDS Church member, was honored this week with the American Cancer Society's Public Policy Achievement Award. Salmon, who will be replaced in the next congress by another LDS Church member, Republican Jeff Flake, was recognized for his work and persistence in advocating clinical trials for drugs to fight cancer.

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