By 'Christopher Bigelow'
AML Announces Irreantum fiction contest
PROVO, UTAH -- The Association for Mormon Letters is pleased to
announce the first annual Irreantum fiction contest. Because
Irreantum is a literary quarterly dedicated to exploring Mormon
culture, all contest entries must relate to the Mormon experience in
some way, either explicitly or implicitly.
As long as an entry doesn't exceed 8,500 words, any fictional form
will be considered, including short stories and excerpts from novels,
screenplays, and play scripts. Any fictional genre is welcome,
including literary, mystery, romance, science fiction, fantasy,
historical, and horror. The first-place author will be awarded $100,
second place $75, and third place $50 (unless the judge determines
entries are not of sufficient quality to merit awards). Winners agree
to give Irreantum first publication rights.
To facilitate blind judging, entries should be submitted with a
removable cover sheet that includes the author's name, address,
telephone number, e-mail address, and manuscript title*the author's
name should appear on no other page of the manuscript. Stories should
be double spaced in easily readable type. Entries will not be
returned. Submit manuscripts by May 30, 2001, to Irreantum's fiction
editor, Tory Anderson, P.O. Box 445, Levan, UT 84639.
For a sample copy of IRREANTUM, a Mormon literary quarterly, send $4
to the Association for Mormon Letters, 262 S. Main St., Springville,
UT 84663.