By Kent Larsen
Paperwork Error Benches LDS Basketball Player
MADISON, WISCONSIN -- LDS basketball player Ricky Bower, a sophomore at the
University of Wisconsin, was declared ineligible under the NCAA's rules on
Tuesday after team officials learned that they hadn't received approval from
the NCAA's Clearinghouse, allowing him to play. Bower is a returned
missionary who played for Ricks before serving his mission.
The NCAA Clearinghouse reviews the academic records and test scores of
athletes to assure that they are eligible to play. In a news release, the
university called his eligibility problem "procedural in nature" and "not
related to his academic performance," leading observers to assume that an
error in the paperwork led to his ineligibility. UW coach Brad Soderberg
says he doesn't really understand the situation, "I can't really enlighten
you on it because I've been instructed that we have to wait until more
information comes in."
Bower has played in 18 games so far this season and averaged 4.4 points per
game. The team is 13-5 in games he has played.
'Procedural' issue benches UW's Bower
Milwaukee WI Journal-Sentinel 14Feb01 S2
By Mark Stewart